Tuesday, February 16

No Weather Girl

Drawing on yesterday’s exercise in What Not to Wear on a Really Hot Day I knew exactly what I was after today.

I love this dress. It has had intimate moments with a needle and thread on a number of occasions though and every time I wear it I think, “OK, this is the last time” and then somehow it ends up back in my wardrobe and I find myself eyeing it off on another hot day.

And you know what? After all that we ended up with flash flooding. Wouldn’t you know it? I am not a good weather guesser (I think you’ll find that is the technical term). It is still hot and muggy with the humidity currently at 88% though so no wardrobe regret here.

This head scarf has been a resounding success throughout the office. I have been called “Mamie”, “Sadie” and on other occasions, “Rosie”. But the amount of ladies (of all demographics) that have sidled up to gush that they just love the head scarf thing I do is really heartening. Thanks ladies.

I had a srs bzns meeting this afternoon in which I met a committee of srs bzns type people for the first time and I think there was a general air of surprise that I was not in fact the cleaning lady. Ha ha. Tonight I will relax in the knowledge of a job well done.

Scarf: Jay Jay’s ?
Dress: Sussan
Belt: ?
Shoes: Target


  1. Lovely blog! :D

    Follow me and I follow your blog:
    http://bienvenidaagradecidany.blogspot.com :)


  2. Haa ha ha ha! I think everyone loves your scarf because olive looks so beautiful in the red of your hair. Also, that dress is brilliant, because it goes everywhere with everything! I'm glad it keeps hangin' on in your closet!

  3. I love your writing style. Authentic and hilarious! Keep it up! http://lara-serbin.blogspot.com/


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